
My biotech carreer


Drawing learning center website

Web design wanted to be simple. In this website home page the focus is in real drawings by pupils.
The course is composed by several practical exercices based in the studies of Dr.Betty Edwards in her book “aprender a dibujar con el lado derecho del cerebro”.


La Casa de los cuentos

Diseño de la nueva web de La Casa de los cuentos, una asociación sin ánimo de lucro y una librería de Barcelona.
En 2012 rediseñamos por completo la web y organizamos el contenido en base a una instalación de Wordpress completamente personalizada para sus necesidades.


Book Layout – Typographers

This book is a database of famous typographers of all times.

One chapter for each one of them. Every chapter has a typographic combination.


Storytelling magazine layout

This is the first issue of Siwsiwez magazine. A magazine about storytelling. We did the design of the magazine layout to be applied in all the issues.


Jordee Ayuso Web site

Web design for this comtemporary artist.
The main focus is on the artist work. That’s why everything else is taken to the minimal.
Web design is focused in an easy navigation through the works of the artist.


II Concurso de Cuentos de Agua

Diseño y maquetación del libro del I Concurso de Cuentos de Agua.

La Asociación para la difusión de la narración oral ENCUENTO y La Casa de los Cuentos convocó el I PREMIO de Cuentos de Agua, patrocinado por la Fundación AGBAR y que dió como resultado un libro recopilatorio de las narraciones ganadoras que nosotros nos encargamos de diseñar.


Bull Smoke

www.bullsmoke.com is an USA web site selling ellectronic cigarrettes. Its target is a middle age man. The far west look is introduced to wrap the product in a masculin look&feel. Usually, man rejects this kind of product.


Bling Nation, Inc.

Design and programming (html 5, php, mysql, Ajax) pages for iphone, ipad, android and desktop computer.

Bling Nation, was a startup company based in Palo Alto, California (USA) who won a large amount of risk capital to establish the first set of small-value payments with contactless NFC stickers associated with mobile phones.

The company started its activity in 2009 and in 2011 had to suspend the service without reaching its full potential.

In Varro.es we handle the design of user interfaces for different platforms. Always with usability in mind. You can see some examples of interface design work done below.


Yo soy madre soltera

El diseño de la web yosoymadresoltera.com está basado en la flor Caléndula que es el apodo de la administradora de la web.

La web incluye en consultorio para Méjico, mantenido por una colaboradora mejicana que recibe y contesta las consultas de las visitantes.


Photomontage for advertisement


Graphic and Web design Barcelona | Portfolio